Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Arms Open Wide

Two weeks ago, I challenged everyone during jamming to take another look at worship and what it means to us. I felt it came to a point where its time to question why we stand there every other sunday and lead worship.

As we enter into this youth Sunday, and also lead the congregation into a time of worship in both services, I think it's even more vital we sit back and reflect on what worship is to us.

Worship to me is probably one of the most important aspects of a Christian walk with God. People don't remember words of a sermon, but yet, they get stuck with a worship song in their head that they just can't seem to get out of. Other than prayer, it is one of the best ways we can connect with this God, and just tell Him how much we love Him and give Him praise for it.

To me, leading worship is one of my greatest joy in life. I love our jamming sessions, I love practising for worship and I love leading worship on Sunday. To be honest, the idea of coming together with like-minded peers, with God-given talents, and using these God-Given talents to worship and serve God, is absoluetly mind-boggling!

But sometimes, we lose sight of what worship means to us. We get so engrossed with making the song sound just the way we want it to sound, or have the transition sounds absolutely perfect or even have the starting of the song to be just the way we envisioned, that we lose sight of what the heart of worship is. The technicalities actually rob us of the worship experience, because we get so distracted with it that we don't have the time to give God praise.

I used to be really uptight about making the song sound right, but now, I encourage those who jam or lead worship with me to just do what they can. Obviously we need to ensure the worship is not distracting by being utterly horrible, but worship is also about putting in our efforts to practise, and then surrendering it all to God. It's about enjoying the fellowship of your team members, and also enjoying being in the presence of the Lord in your service to Him.

An amazing encounter with God through worship can come in various forms. We can encounter Him with a full band as we have done so in the past and with other travelling international bands, but yet, we can also encounter God with just 1 instrument, as we did in Encounter. Either way, it shows its not the technical side of worship that causes one to worship, but its the fact that we all bring ourselves to the Lord and worship in Spirit and truth, surrender everything and earnestly seek Him without letting any of the wordly distractions get between you and Him. Because it's all about Jesus. That is when you will get an amazing encounter with God.

Worship is about coming with arms wide open. And just telling God, Lord I am Yours and You are mine.

So brothers and sisters in Christ, as we come together once more on this Sunday to celebrate the youthfulness He has given us, as well as to celebrate the blessings He has poured onto the Youth Ministry, let us come together and enjoy ourselves in the worship. Let this not be just another worship session where we are so concentrated on getting that sound to sounds perfect, but rather, let us make a joyful noise with our tongues and use this opportunity to worship Him. When we sing songs of praise, sing it with a smile because He has made us free!
And when we sing songs to declare what He has done in our lives, sing it from your heart and mean every word of it.
For our God is an awesome God.

As a closing, I'd like to share this song that has been stuck in my head for like 2 weeks now. It's off the new Hillsong United CD and has to be one of my favourite songs. Because it basically says all that I want to say to God in just one song.

Arms Open Wide
By Hillsong United
Take my life I lay it down
At the cross where I am found
All I have I give to You oh God
Take my hands and make them clean
Keep my heart in purity
That I may walk in all You have for me
Take my moments and my days
Let each breath that I take
Be ever only for You oh God
Oh here I stand
Arms open wide
Oh I am Yours
And You are mine
My whole life is Yours
I give it all
Surrendered to Your Name
And forever I will pray
Have Your way
Have Your way

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