Saturday, 28 March 2009

Just thought I'd put a quick post up.

As most of us know, Holy week is once again upon us, as is Good Friday and Easter Sunday.
These are by far one of the most important dates in the diary of a christian,
because as you know, on these days, our saviour died for us, and rose again 3 days later.

For most of us, we've probably heard the Good Friday story so many times,
that when i mention it, we just go "oh, alright. yeah. cool."
I used to do the same thing. It used to be just another christian event for me. Like christmas.

But then last year while preparing for worship on Good Friday,
we were reminded by our pastor about the importance and significance of the day.
It is the day that our God was whipped, crowned with a crown of thorns, nailed to the cross and was crucified.... FOR US.
So that we don't have to go through the same thing.

Do not let the familiarity of the good friday story rob us of the its power.
The fog of familiarity should never rob this story of the power, significance, feelings and importance it deserves.

Even as we sing new songs like "All For Love', it too carries so much meaning.
All for LOVE our Father gave.
He gave His life to take our place.
So let's start living for His glory!

Next Sunday's worship, I'll be using it as a time for us to prepare into entering into a time of Holy Week.
I will challenge everyone to start preparing their hearts and start reflecting on why they believe in God.
I will challenge everyone to start picking up their cross every single day.
Because i think it's time we took Him seriously.

On another note,
No chairs are gonna be brought out for worship next week.
You can figure it out yourself.

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