Saturday, 1 March 2008

Worship Set for Sunday 02/03/08

1) Forever
2) For Who You Are
3) Amazing Love
4) Seek Ye First

Theme: For Who You Are/ Connecting to God

Worship Leader: Terri

As i shared with the band b during devotion during practice, i've been a little low on my spiritual walk with the Lord these few days and i felt very dry, very thirsty. so usually when this happens, i know i need to do something and i start writing in my prayer journal to cry out to God for forgiveness. this time, the Lord showed me that no matter how far i run from him or when i forget his love for me, He will still call me and reach out his hand to pull me back to him. see psalm 139 because that gave me such encouragement, esp v7: "where can i go from your spirit? where can i flee from your presence?" and God will always draw us back to him because that is who He is, he cannot deny himself because he loves us so much. and at the last line of my written prayer, i told God that i will worship Him for who he is, to recognise his sovereignty in my life, because he is the Lord and is worthy to be praised. We were created to glorify him ;) 

Getting jared to share his testimony on his time in Bangalore this sunday as well, and included amazing love to remind us that God's love is being poured out on all the nations and it must be our collective vision and hope to pray for more people to experience and accept God's love. i'd like to share that my granddad (who's a staunch taoist) is actually coming for chinese service tmr :). 

and finally, ending with seek ye first because if we proclaim to love the lord, our actions must also express that. its my hope that the youths will seek the lord and his kingdom plan first, because it is then, that the rest of their needs will be met by the Lord. 

peace out!

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